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BETA CIRCUS Participatory experience is an action that aims to create an European transnational opportunity to explore the participatory circus as a future trend to engage the public participation in the circus creative process, letting the audience to become co-authors, editors, and observers of the artistic work. By applying the participatory arts methodology to the contemporary circus scene, the new BETA CIRCUS cycle will promote the engagement of the local community of the intervention place with a full and integrated creation process applied to unconventional spaces for artistic presentation.
The capacity building and co-creation activities will take place in Italy, Latvia, Portugal and Serbia from August 2023 to March 2025, with 8 artists/collectives with background in circus arts and participatory arts. More info about the activities and calendar is available HERE. The participant artists will be selected by open call.
International open call for circus artists
Selection of 4 circus artists (collectives or individual artists) for an international capacity building programme in new trends for circus arts, with focus on participatory circus.
Open call for artists working in participatory arts
Selection of 4 artistic collectives working in participatory arts for an international capacity building programme in new trends for circus arts, with focus on participatory circus. One collective will be selected for each partner country: Italy, Latvia, Portugal and Serbia.
Application for both open calls is open until 24th April 2023.
More information regarding the open calls conditions and application are available HERE.
BETA CIRCUS is co-financed by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and República Portuguesa – Cultura | Direção-Geral das Artes, being promoted by Bússola (PT), Teatro Necessario (IT), Ludifico (RS) and Rigas Cirks (LV).
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