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A space for exchange and debate. A day to think about contemporary circus and future challenges. In 2023, the relationship of circus with space and people is on the center, in partnership with the European projects BETA CIRCUS and SPACE CIRCUS.
10:30 - Welcome words
10:40 - Roundtable - Circus and space: trends, experiences and perspectives
Anna Giribet i Argilès, FiraTàrrega [ES]
Tomas Vaclavek, Kolektiv Lapso Cirk [SI]
Valentina Barone, CircusDanceFestival [DE] and Around About Circus
14:30 - Roundtable - Participatory arts meet circus: between artists, place and community
Ana Bragança & Ricardo Baptista, Ondamarela [PT]
Nicola Borghesi & Enrico Baraldi, Kepler-452 [IT]
Marleen Scholten [NL]
16:30 - Perform Europe info session & Conclusions
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