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The 2023 M.A.R – Mostra de Artes de Rua returns to Sines, occupying the streets, the historical heritage and the natural landscape, valuing the territory, giving new meaning to it, creating new perspectives on the city and those who inhabit it. The enjoyment of leisure in the public space suffers a growing depletion, also due to technological advances, which make consumer goods available to an ever-increasing number of people that enable the enjoyment of “domestic entertainment”, imprisoning the modern citizen in comfort. home, with the inevitable consequences of isolation and lack of interest in social life. The public space has always been a scenario of resistance and transformation. In a world that evolves fast, and fiercely, towards a self-centered vision, which rejects open, comprehensive and flexible thinking, art is urgently needed as a link of connection and creation, and the enjoyment of public space, electing it as the privileged meeting place and sharing, building relationships and memory.
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